You Polish: Radiant Orchid & Gemstone Garden
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Hey guys! Today I've got the You Polish prize! The polishes I got were Radiant Orchid and Gemstone Garden along with earrings made with those two polishes!
So...little did I know...Radiant Orchid is also a HOLO polish! YES! It is gorgeous on its own not in direct light, but oh-em-gee when the light hits's like angels singing! Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic, but man-oh. Just look for yourself!
Normally I have a problem putting glitters over shimmers. This one works perfectly! It's just the perfect pairing of glitter, shimmer, and holo goodness. I honestly think that I might wear this combination often.
I know You Polish has subscription boxes too. Do you sub to it? Do you own any polishes by You Polish? As always...
Loving Gemstone Garden and so awesome to see that Radiant Orchid is a holo too!