Kat Stays Polished | Beauty Blog with a Dash of Life: Cult Nails - First Haul Ever

Cult Nails - First Haul Ever

Monday, December 30, 2013

Yup, that's right! I joined the Cult! I had been wanting to try Cult Nails forEVER....ever since I saw Clairvoyant come and go. This post is mainly going to be about swatches. I am SO impressed with Cult Nails that I think I will be a customer for life...that is, if my budget allows. These polishes are in the higher end of pricing, but in my opinion, they are worth it.

If you're like me and want to try these polishes for the first, check out their Warehouse Clearance section. That's where I got these babies from!

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com

Okay, overall, the formula on these were great. I think all of them were good with 2 coats but Feelin' Froggy went on with 3 thin coats. Even with 3 coats, it wasn't too thick and the color is amazing! Enjoy! If you have any other questions about these polishes, feel free to leave a comment!

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | First Hual

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | Spontaneous

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | Feelin' Froggy

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | Ay Poppy!

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | Doppelganger over Ay Poppy

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | Doppelganger over Ay Poppy

Cult Nails | www.katstayspolished.com | Swanbourne

I hope you sll have a GREAT 2014! Let me know what you'd like to see from me. Also, I'm trying to plan a great giveaway in February. Tell me what you want for prizes! Love you!


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