Influenster Rose VoxBox - Kiss Gradation Kit in Film Noir
Monday, December 02, 2013
Who else is an Influenster??? Did you get the Rose VoxBox? I was so excited to get mine. Today's post is going to focus on the Kiss Gradation Polish Kit in Film Noir. I had seen these before but I had never bought one for myself. I'm glad it was in here because honestly, I SUCK at nail gradients.
So, these kits retail for about $6.99 and can be found at your local Walgreens. This was pretty easy to do. Although I could have done a better job, with practice, I'll be a gradation expert in no time!
Below are all three steps needed to create a beautiful gradient on your nails. Step 1 is a sheer metallic formula that requires 2 coats to begin your gradation process. Step 2 is a darker sheer metallic that you should apply to the bottom third of your nail. If you nails are short like mine, then go a bit higher. Step 3 is supposed to go over the bottom HALF of your nail and is supposed to blend the colors together to create a nice gradient.
How do you think I did? Let me know how yours turned out! If you'd like to be an Influenster too, message me your email and I'll send you an invite!

So cute! It is a nice gradient :)