Recycle Your Period Pad - Post Pregnancy Woes with Poise
Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Hello friends! Tonight I talk about my bladder and Poise Thin-Shape pads. Yep, indeed. As most moms know, when you get pregnant, that baby just loves to jump around on your bladder and my baby did just that. I was peeing every hour, sometimes every 45 minutes, and when I'd have the occasional sneeze...well, I'd have a little leaky leak. It's inevitable unless you've kept up with your kegels. I was terrible at doing them.
Fast forward to now, 14 weeks postpartum with my adorable little girl, I still have some issues with my bladder. I pushed out a 9-lb, 11-oz baby and my muscles all over are way overworked and very weak. When I sneeze, I still have a little mishap and now that I've started exercising regularly, I've noticed that I get a little leaky if I'm doing cardio.
Poise has come out with a brand new product called Thin-Shape pads. These are supposed to have a thin absorbent layer that will properly protect that light bladder leakage whether it be from pregnancy or something else. As a comparison, I have pictured the new Poise Thin-Shape pad and a regular period pad. Personally, I've been using super thin liners as protection
One of the major differences between your regular period pads and these Poise Thin-Shape pads is that there is this layer along the edges that helps to keep that moisture locked in to prevent leakage. Notice the cupping action, haha.
Well, since I'll no longer be using period-anythings for my times of need, I've decided to recycle my period pad as protective surface for when I'm doing my nails. I mean...why not? It will catch any messes from polish gone awry and can help to contain any residue from my regular manicure routine.
Tell me, how would YOU recycle your period pads?

Nice review on them and neat way of using them.
ReplyDeleteYou're going to laugh but I thought you meant recycle the pads after using them, lol! Definitely a creative way to use them!